New / Full Moons: Full 13th Jan in Cancer New 29th Jan in Aquarius Full 12th Feb in Leo
We love our heroes and our heroines. Their stories remind us that sometimes, one person's individual act can have positive, life-changing consequences for large numbers of people. So, in these challenging times, when the news is full of stories about the rich and famous abusing their powers, let's remember Joan of Arc, whose birthday is today. We might not have her courage. But, with power planet, Mars, reversing into sensitive Cancer, acts of kindness can have far-reaching results.
Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune all take up residence in their new long term zodiac signs in 2025. Make the most of the optimism, wisdom and enlightenment these celestial giants can bring. Your 2025 'Guide to the Future' is able to tell you in amazingly accurate detail all the key astrological events that will shape your year ahead how to make the most of them. For the New Year only, you can download your '2025 Guide to the Future' at 50% OFF! (plus a free chart and tarot readings.)
Daily Planets (05 01 25): Moon Enters Aries at 19:00 UTC Sun ( 15° Capricorn) Quintile Neptune (27° Pisces ) at 11:07 UTC Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent
They tell us that gratitude is key to a positive approach to life. And although it's not easy to appreciate what we dislike, or to be thankful for what we haven't got, it's amazing how forcing ourselves to be positive makes a difference. So, try saying blessings for things/people you feel more inclined to criticise today. Wallowing in disapproval isn't good for the soul. It certainly doesn't attract positive energy. And with your ruler, Mars, reversing into gentle Cancer, with a positive mindset, you'll see lots to be glad about.
With Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune all settling into their new homes, it's all change in the skies in 2025! To celebrate we are offering your Guide to the Future with 50% OFF plus a free chart and tarot readings.
When our hearts say one thing and our heads another, the forces that guide our lives are in conflict. It's such an uncomfortable feeling that we often try to ignore the disagreement. But denying it can be dangerous. When we repress our feelings, our heart cleverly tricks our mind into thinking that it's the most powerful force - whilst secretly undermining it so that we overlook something important. If you hold an honest dialogue with yourself today, you'll be able to negotiate a way forwards that feels doable... and very right.
Your 'Guide to the Future' is packed with the optimism, wisdom and enlightenment you need to make 2025 truly a year to remember. Just for the New Year, we are offering your Guide to the Future with 50% OFF plus a free chart and tarot readings.
You're not managing to progress as fast as you'd like. Something (or someone) is blocking you from achieving a goal. And since it's more likely to be a person (rather than a situation), it's worth taking a look at your expectations and attitude. When we secretly don't want something to happen, we're perfectly within our rights to be honest (to ourselves and others). But when we hide behind excuses we engage in self-deception. The question you need to consider asking relates to what you really want to happen. Be honest!
For the New Year only, your 'Guide to the Future' at 50% OFF! (plus a free chart and tarot readings.)
Do we only learn 'life lessons' when we get things wrong? Is it only by making mistakes that we develop and grow? Surely when we're curious about other people, open to their ideas, and willing to let them share the benefit of their experience with us, there's a chance that we can learn from their past errors, and apply their knowledge to our lives? With dynamic Mars reversing into your sign, if you pay heed to someone's advice, you'll be able to find an easy way around an obstacle. The route ahead isn't as difficult as it looks.
With Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune all settling into their new homes, it's all change in the skies in 2025! To celebrate we are offering your Guide to the Future with 50% OFF plus a free chart and tarot readings.
When things are going well it's easy to be kind, fair, wise, and considerate. It's not so easy to demonstrate these qualities when we're feeling stressed or upset. Not that today brings a more-than-usual number of challenges your way. Quite the opposite! As power planet Mars reverses out of your sign (after its long stay), the underlying sense of pressure you've been experiencing will ease. Feeling calmer, you'll be able to make allowances for someone who isn't feeling (or being) their best. The consequences will be good for you both.
Your 'Guide to the Future' is packed with the optimism, wisdom and enlightenment you need to make 2025 truly a year to remember. Just for the New Year, we are offering your Guide to the Future with 50% OFF plus a free chart and tarot readings.
"Do unto others as you would have done unto you." Since it's a premise common to all spiritualities and religions, it must be a good policy to follow. As a compassionate Virgo, you can't help but pick up on other people's needs. And you can't help but do your best to help fulfil them. Yet although putting others first is commendable, there are limits; when it's to your own detriment it becomes problematic. Today, rather than leaping to the rescue, if you consider your needs, you'll empower someone else, and yourself.
For the New Year only, your 'Guide to the Future' at 50% OFF! (plus a free chart and tarot readings.)
Although we can always do what we want, we can't always choose to want what we want. This idea, which was originated by the philosopher Schopenhauer, suggests that even though we have choice, we don't always have choice over what we choose. It's a bit mind-blowing! But it's worth bearing in mind in regard to the situations you're facing. Several of them are unfolding in ways you have little influence over. But at least one of them holds a hidden positive. Today, if you stand back, something constructive will unfold. With Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune all settling into their new homes, it's all change in the skies in 2025! To celebrate we are offering your Guide to the Future with 50% OFF plus a free chart and tarot readings.
Once upon a time, if you saw smoke, you'd have been sure that it was caused by a fire. These days, with vapes and special effects like dry ice, it's easy to get confused. So, since there can be smoke without fire, we have to be extremely careful about jumping to wrong conclusions! Smoke, steam, and vape all have the potential to obscure our vision. You've been trying to navigate a clear path through a confusing situation. Although the way ahead isn't straightforward, today brings a reassuring sign. You're on the right track. Your 'Guide to the Future' is packed with the optimism, wisdom and enlightenment you need to make 2025 truly a year to remember. Just for the New Year, we are offering your Guide to the Future with 50% OFF plus a free chart and tarot readings.
If you pedal as fast as you can for as long as possible, will you get to your destination? It depends! If you're at the gym doing a spin class, you're not going to move anywhere. But if your aim is to get stronger and fitter, you'll get closer to achieving your goal. And the harder you push yourself, the faster you'll progress along the road to success. When we expend lots of effort, even if we don't get the result we're aiming for, we gain something. You're about to see the fruits of your recent labours. Watch out for a welcome bonus. For the New Year only, your 'Guide to the Future' at 50% OFF! (plus a free chart and tarot readings.)
Less than a week ago we were looking forwards to starting a new year. Now that we've taken a few steps into 2025, it's tempting to wistfully look back at what we've left behind. Humans seem to have a predilection for nostalgia! Rather than focusing on the present, we think about what 'could have been', what 'should have been', and what we 'could' have done differently. As Mercury, planet of intellect, moves towards your sign, instead of looking back look forwards. You'll see that your outlook is brighter than you think.
Sometimes, when we take on a responsibility, after a while it starts to feel burdensome. Sometimes, we make promises which we fully intend to keep, and then situations change and those promises grow heavy in our hearts. Carrying that kind of weight around with us is tiring. So, the good news is that as you move into 2025, you find yourself in a position where you can let go of a burden you've been holding. It's not going to instantaneously disappear. But if you deal with a situation you've been avoiding, your load will lessen. With Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune all settling into their new homes, it's all change in the skies in 2025! To celebrate we are offering your Guide to the Future with 50% OFF plus a free chart and tarot readings.
In the absence of visual clues our imaginations get creative. That's why so many of us are scared of the dark. When we can't see, a creak on the stairs easily turns into a reason to panic. But we can use our skills in a positive way too. If you're preparing to deal with a situation that looks stressful today, imagine it going smoothly. Approach it with a smile. If you project positivity, others will pick up on your vibes. You can transform a potential conflict into a collaborative team-effort that makes everyone involved feel good. Your 'Guide to the Future' is packed with the optimism, wisdom and enlightenment you need to make 2025 truly a year to remember. Just for the New Year, we are offering your Guide to the Future with 50% OFF plus a free chart and tarot readings.