5 Star
Jemima Cainer
Daisy (AI) Cainer
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For the week starting:
Sunday, 22 September 2024

Moon in Gemini

by Jemima Cainer

At the beginning of this week, after an intense process of release, the Moon in communicative Gemini has us feeling ready to talk about it. A problem shared is a problem halved and Gemini knows all about how to handle this split. If you find your energy being pulled in different directions, it won't be for long. By Tuesday, Last Quarter Moon in Cancer marks a defining moment in the cycle we find ourselves in during this Eclipse portal, of breaking down to make a breakthrough.

In Cancer the Moon meets Mars and squares up to Saturn, the planet of discipline. Impulses will be keen and moves driven by emotion will be easier to make. It is worth this week, reflecting on needs defending and what may be better off letting go of when it comes to the next Eclipse. We now sit within a powerful window of change. Some of this feels so far beyond our control that we can do nothing but weather the storm and trust that when it passes, we will be greeted by a brighter day. If you are feeling unsettled, trust that it will blow over soon.

In the meantime, the Moon teaches us all a lesson about how fast things can change and, though her light will soon begin to fade, it always waxes back again.

If you don't know your 'Moon Sign' you can find out here.

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Moon Signs 22nd September

Pisces Supermoon

What it means to have Moon in...

What it means, to have Moon in... by sign.

Sign into 5 Star
