May 23rd to May 28th 2005
TUESDAY May 24 Missing cheque dream Dear Jonathan, My father was a freelance teacher. Whenever he went on holiday, he entrusted me with his finances. After his sudden death I called the schools he worked for, broke the news and told them where to send his wages. Only one place failed to pay. I was too upset to care but then I had a dream in which my dad told me about a bank account he had kept secret from me. It really DID exist and, in it, was that missing cheque! Geraldine
WEDNESDAY May 25 Yet Another Psychic Phone Call Hi Jonathan, My husband and I went to the Lake District during a very busy period. We had nowhere to stay. Everywhere was booked up. As we asked for help at the tourist office, a lady took a call and said, 'You're lucky. A room in a guesthouse has just come free.' Relieved, we drove to the B&B where the owner swore that NOBODY had called the tourist office. But, as it happened, one room had become empty, moments before we arrived! Susi
THURSDAY May 26 Strange coincidence Next month, an amazing alignment of planets will be visible. Soon, I'll have to stop sharing stories about strange coincidences while I tell you about it. Meanwhile...
Hi Jonathan,
FRIDAY May 27 Psychic Experience Email Dear Jonathan, A few years ago, my husband and son went on a lobster fishing holiday. I was comfortable in their absence until the third day when fear and panic hit me in the pit of my stomach as if I'd been punched. When my husband called later, I said, 'Did anything happen around 2pm?' It turns out he had got his hand stuck in an underwater trap and was nearly out of air when he escaped. He surfaced... just as our son was getting ready to dive in after him. Gayle
SATURDAY May 28 Mars / Pluto Sharp Angle comment There's a bad case of the grizzles going round at the moment. As fast as one group get over it, another set show symptoms. Once, doctors thought physical illnesses were also passed along by the planets. Hence the word 'flu'; short for 'Influenza' or 'under a bad influence'. Though we now understand about viruses, we are still more prone to succumb to a bug when our defences are down - and the planets can still tell us when this is likely to happen. If you currently feel your strength is being sapped, it's probably the sharp angle from Mars to Pluto that's to blame. Get up early on Tuesday morning and you can catch one of these cosmic culprits in the act. Mars will be bright in the pre-dawn sky, surprisingly near the Moon. When you see it, remember THIS is what's causing so many people to feel stretched. Then, apply the astrological antidote. Remind yourself that, by the end of the week, we'll all be feeling better!
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