April 23rd to April 29th 2007
MONDAY April 23
Saturn stands still
Saturn, to all intents and purposes, has been standing still all month. That's not exactly front page news. Saturn often 'stations' when ending or beginning a phase of retrograde motion. It is, though, a very big deal If you happen to be wrestling with a responsibility. If you are striving to construct a plan or honour a promise. If you are striving for power, studying a complex topic or seeking support with a difficult undertaking, then, regardless of what sign you were born under, you will enjoy this week. It will bring a slow but steady improvement in your circumstances.
TUESDAY April 24
Prophets, seers and sages...
As I travel the world, researching a book on ancient prophecies, I am beginning to realise that prophets, traditionally, are all bonkers. They hear voices, see visions and pay great attention to their dreams. They go into trances and speak gobbledegook. Once, every city had an 'oracle's corner' and every religion was at least partially based on someone's prophetic utterances. These days, when people declare they have a hotline to the divine, we put them on special medication.. or give them a satellite TV channel. And what's the difference between an astrologer and a prophet? Hmmmm. Nurse! The screens!
The Chosen One
Imagine being an ordinary six-year-old. Suddenly, a bunch of VIPs arrive at your home. They say you were born to be one of your nation's most important leaders and invite you and your family to join them. They leave for a while. Soon there's another knock at the door. This time, it is soldiers from the enemy army come to drag you away to a secret prison. Somewhere in China, a kidnapped Tibetan teenager, Gedun Choekyi Nyima turns 18 today. I predict the sad tale of this young 'Panchen Lama' will yet have a happy outcome.
Somewhere in China, a kidnapped Tibetan teenager, Gedun Choekyi Nyima turns 18 today. I predict the sad tale of this young 'Panchen Lama' will yet have a happy outcome.
Earth Mk II
A newly discovered planet on the far side of space is capable of sustaining life. What a relief. We can stop worrying about global warming. Instead, we just have to work out how to make the 20 light year journey. Then, we simply need to build ourselves some giant spaceships. We'll feel right at home on Earth Mark II as long as we remember to take our cars, fridges, TVs, and hair straighteners with us. And as long as we send the Tesco and McDonalds' rockets first so we don't get there only to find there's nothing to do!
FRIDAY April 27
A climate of change
In Australia there's a dreadful drought. In Tibet, the mountain tops have hardly any snow. It has been suspiciously warm around here of late... and we have all seen those alarming photos of the vanishing ice shelves. I'm getting letters all the time about global warming. That, in itself, is wonderful news. It means people care. They are willing to do whatever needs to be done. The problem no longer belongs to just a few worried environmentalists. We are all starting to take it on board. And we will all, I predict, soon start to tackle it together, successfully.
Different systems of astrology
Tibetan astrology is not the same as Chinese astrology. This, in turn, is different to Vedic or Indian astrology which, most people know, works rather differently to the classical or 'western' astrology that I usually practise. It's the same with the Mayans, the Incans, The Native North Americans and the Egyptians. All systems interpret the movements of the same planets, but they do not always read the same message into those movements. As regular readers may know, rather like a guitarist learning violin and saxophone, I have lately been studying these different disciplines. One thing that pretty much all of them would agree on, though, is that there's reason, this week, for almost everyone to feel more hopeful about the future...
SUNDAY April 29
Different systems of astrology
Tibetan astrology is not the same as Chinese astrology. This, in turn, is different to Vedic or Indian astrology which, most people know, works rather differently to the classical or 'western' astrology that I usually practise. It's the same with the Mayans, the Incans, The Native North Americans and the Egyptians. All systems interpret the movements of the same planets, but they do not always read the same message into those movements. As regular readers may know, rather like a guitarist learning violin and saxophone, I have lately been studying these different disciplines. One thing that pretty much all of them would agree on, though, is that there's reason, this week, for almost everyone to feel more hopeful about the future...