March 26th to April 1st 2007
MONDAY March 26
Getting to grips with Mayan astrology
I spent last week getting to grips, quite literally, with Mayan astrology. I spent most time at the Equinox Temple of the Feathered Serpent in Chichen Itza, but I also travelled to Ek'Balan. There, the remains of an impressive pyramid are still half hidden by the Mexican jungle. As I climbed a giant staircase, huffing and puffing all the way, I had two profound revelations: 1. The end of the Mayan calendar in 2012 is of deep significance to us all; 2. Whatever it may mean, if I don't lose weight, the end of my own world is surely nigh!
Pictures by Sarah Jane Van Den Driessche
TUESDAY March 27
Learning about the noble Mayans
Whilst I was in Mexico, I learned a lot about Mayan architecture, astronomy and astrology. Mainly, I learned that there is a lot that is simply unknown. The Spanish Conquistadors were so barbaric and extreme in their Catholicism that, when they invaded, they burned every ancient book or manuscript they could find. Worse still, they then rewrote the entire history of these noble people! Spookily, the Mayans knew that this would happen. The arrival of these religious fanatics had long been prophesied by the very same astronomer priests who also foresaw the end of the calendar in 2012.
Pictures by Sarah Jane Van Den Driessche
Intelligent academics?
Did you see that story, yesterday, about the 'top scientist' who has now proved that love is not in the stars? I nearly choked on my cornflakes! So THIS is how academics waste their time and our money? No wonder the world is in such a state. Had he first bothered to talk to even one serious astrologer, he would have learned that he was testing a claim that nobody is making. Of course, sun signs don't render us more or less likely to marry people born under other signs. They just give an insight into the way each relationship is likely to develop.
The far-sighted Mayans
What can we infer from the fact that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012? After my recent research trip, one thing I now feel sure of is that it is no 'coincidence'. These people lived and breathed astronomy and prophecy. They also loved looking a long way into the future. Their 'long count system' was specifically designed for thinking centuries ahead. If you had asked them what they foresaw for 2012, you would not have heard some airy fairy explanation about transition to a new era. The Mayans expected a very real, very physical end! I'll explain more tomorrow.
Illustration caption: Mayans calculated dates according to a variety of calendars and almanacs. Their 'Calendar Round' covered dates spanning around 52 years, corresponding to an average lifetime. For longer periods they used a system known as 'Long Count' which divided time into various periods from one day up to 144,000 days (395 years). Here is a detail from an ancient Mayan stone showing three columns of glyphs from the 2nd century CE. The left column gives a Long Count date of, or 156 AD. The two right columns relate to another time-counting system. You can find out more about this fascinating subject if you click here.
FRIDAY March 30
The Mayan vision
Yesterday, I told you what I believe the Mayans believed. Namely, that the physical world would end, in a very physical way, in 2012. I suspect they expected meteors to smash into the earth. I am certain they anticipated earthquake and explosion. Do I believe what they believed? I don't... but I do believe their beliefs deserve respect. Though nothing in my own system of astrology suggests such a thing at such a time, I am not an expert in their system. I now intend to understand more, about their vision... and the visions of other great ancient prophets.
Jupiter and Saturn alignment
Jupiter forms a harmonious, 120 degree angle to Saturn, once every six years or so. This potent alignment famously promotes peace. People who like to keep things the way that they were find themselves able, at least partially, to agree with those who are promoting dramatic new ideas. Normally, the influence doesn't last long. This month, though, Saturn and Jupiter are both standing still. It is as if they have been frozen in space, exactly at the moment when they have started to form their angle. If anyone, anywhere, needs to build a bridge, deepen a bond, proffer an olive branch, pour oil on troubled waters, heal a wound and create a climate of stronger mutual respect they stand a good chance of developing it in April.
SUNDAY April 1
Jupiter and Saturn alignment
Jupiter forms a harmonious, 120 degree angle to Saturn, once every six years or so. This potent alignment famously promotes peace. People who like to keep things the way that they were find themselves able, at least partially, to agree with those who are promoting dramatic new ideas. Normally, the influence doesn't last long. This month, though, Saturn and Jupiter are both standing still. It is as if they have been frozen in space, exactly at the moment when they have started to form their angle. If anyone, anywhere, needs to build a bridge, deepen a bond, proffer an olive branch, pour oil on troubled waters, heal a wound and create a climate of stronger mutual respect they stand a good chance of developing it in April.