Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



August 2 2010 to August 8 2010

Monday August 2
How Many Roads?

Dear Jonathan,
I have had many spiritual experiences. I have astral-travelled, communicated with the spirits of deceased relatives and firmly believe in a higher power. Why is it that people such as me, who are 'aware' of how much more there is to life, seem to be given so many challenges? While I can always draw power from my faith, I have had a hard time of late with illness, stress etc. Anthony

Dear Anthony,
Tests and trials best us all, no matter how 'spiritually aware' we may be. I suspect their purpose is to keep us humble.

Tuesday August 3
The Right Stuff

Dear Jonathan,
I often wonder, especially when I feel confused about my forecast and it doesn't seem to relate to me, whether what I am reading could actually be about something that is happening somewhere else or to someone else. Perhaps that will ultimately have a direct influence on my future life? If so, then it does relate to me, it's just that I just can't see it yet. Nicola.

Dear Nicola,
That's very kind and open-minded of you. You may well be right. But we mustn't entirely rule out the possibility that I've simply got it wrong!

Wednesday August 4
Chelsea Clinton

Chelsea Clinton was born on February 27, 1980 in Little Rock Arkansas. She has recently completed her 'Saturn return'. We have a solar return each year, on our birthday, when the sun returns to the same position it occupied when we were born. Saturn takes up to 30 years to get round the zodiac, so a Saturn return symbolises maturity and is seen as an ideal time to settle down. Will Chelsea ever follow in her parents' footsteps? Well, she's certainly got the horoscope for it!
PS: At Chelsea's wedding reception, my nephew Reuben played bass in the band!

Thursday August 5
Time travelling dream

Hi Jonathan,
I recently had a 'time travelling' dream. I was with some of my friends and relatives at a barbeque. I stayed my age, but everyone else was younger. For example, my cousins who I do not see any more, but was extremely close to when I was young, were their young selves again, we talked and played, and I even took pictures of everyone. I told people certain things about their future. I also had one of my nieces (who was her actual age) come back and meet my younger mother and father. It was a great dream!

Friday August 6
Lights Action Sound

In some parts of the world, amazing sights were seen in the sky earlier this week, thanks to 'Sunspot 1092'. This has been described as a pimple on the face of the Sun that has now burst open, sending blasts of radiation towards Earth. Our magnetic field has protected us from these, as it always does... but a side-effect has been a glorious light show. Even where the aurora can't be seen, some people have developed headaches, others have encountered malfunctioning communication devices and many have encountered an intense 'electric atmosphere.' More sparks may yet fly this weekend.

Saturday August 7
Your Week Ahead

Normally, an opposition between Jupiter and Saturn would make headline news, on its own. It only happens once every 20 years or so. Now though, it's just part of a bigger, more unusual alignment involving Uranus and Pluto. Venus too, gets involved with the 'cosmic cross' this week, before moving on to meet up with Mars. The upshot of it all is that there's hardly anyone on the planet whose horoscope isn't being touched by a powerful influence. Even those of us who are finding life hard going can expect to benefit from the changes that are on their way.

Sunday August 8
Your Week Ahead Part Two

Normally, an opposition between Jupiter and Saturn would make headline news, on its own. It only happens once every 20 years or so. Now though, it's just part of a bigger, more unusual alignment involving Uranus and Pluto. Venus too, gets involved with the 'cosmic cross' this week, before moving on to meet up with Mars. The upshot of it all is that there's hardly anyone on the planet whose horoscope isn't being touched by a powerful influence. Even those of us who are finding life hard going can expect to benefit from the changes that are on their way.

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