Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



April 10 2023 to April 16 2023

Monday April 10

Divine Love

More Sally Fisher Art here.

It's Easter Monday, the final day of the holiday focused on celebrating divine love. And everyone (religious or not) enjoys a day off! As Venus, the planet of love, prepares to move into a new celestial home, and the Sun heads towards a link with lucky Jupiter, we all have access to higher cosmic powers. With faith in ourselves, this is a time when we can be inspired to face challenges in ways that lead to prosperity. Generous-hearted actions will be rewarded in kind. Today is about sharing joy.

Tuesday April 11

Heart of the Issue

More Sally Fisher Art here.

It's not easy to respond to anger with love, or face insults with kindness. Nor is it always warranted. Yet there are times when we can sense that problematic behaviour stems from pain and fear. As the Sun and Jupiter converge - and Venus, now in Gemini, links with mysterious Pluto - they bring the ability to see to the heart of issues and to respond in inspired ways. Simply by looking for the good in people, and having faith in them, opens transformative possibilities that might surprise us.

Wednesday April 12

First in Space

More Sally Fisher Art here.

It was 62 years ago today that Yuri Gagarin became the first person to see Earth from space. Like many astronauts, he experienced the 'overview effect': a transcendent state of awe - where seeing the beauty and fragility of our planet from on high dwarfs political and cultural divisions. But a rocket isn't required to realise the need to rise above argument and discord. Mercury's link with sensitive Neptune indicates that listening, with empathy, to the messages behind the words brings insight and understanding.

Thursday April 13

Weight of Expectation

More Sally Fisher Art here.

My quest to lose 'lockdown weight' continues. And although some tech billionaires and Hollywood A-listers are turning to injections of 'Ozempic', a diabetes medication, to help them shed the pounds, having lost around 50 since the start of last year, I'm sticking to will-power and exercise! Anything worth doing requires hard work and sacrifice and rarely returns results overnight. Today, as Venus and Saturn align, self-discipline and structure are exactly what's needed for hearts, minds and bodies to flourish.

Friday April 14

New Year Again

More Sally Fisher Art here.

In parts of India, the traditional Solar New Year begins today. If we count Jan 1, Chinese New Year, and the Equinox, it's the fourth New Year in as many months. I'm not sure my liver can take another New Year's Eve so I might sit these celebrations out! Especially as Venus and Saturn's relationship encourages us to set boundaries and experience pleasure on our own terms. That's not being a party-pooper. It's ensuring that we look after ourselves and nurture long-term health and happiness.

Saturday April 15

Your Weekly Horoscope

More Sally Fisher Art here.

This week's Eclipse isn't just any Eclipse. It forms a Blue New Moon (the second New Moon in Aries this year) and arrives on the same day as the Sun changes signs. And since it's also forming an intense alignment with Pluto, the Blue Solar Eclipse makes this an ideal week to pursue ambitious new goals that could transform our lives. That said, we'll need to strike while the iron's... er... blue! With Mercury turning retrograde on Friday, pausing for thought will be part of the process. Get cracking!

Sunday April 16

Your Week Ahead Love Horoscope

More Sally Fisher Art here.

Remember, your Love Forecast today does not just cover romance. A love forecast may also have something to say about your family life, your closest friendships and even some of your most important working relationships.

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Oscar and Cainer's Daily Zodiac Forecasts