Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



July 31 2023 to August 6 2023

Monday July 31

Magic in the Air

Unless you're Harry Potter celebrating your birthday, the anticipation of magic in the air is unlikely to be due to potential letters arriving from Hogwarts. It's the coming Supermoon that's creating a sense of enchanted possibilities. Does that mean we're in for more than we bargain for? Well... there's no wand to wave to make life instantly easier. But, as Harry discovered, friendship is a source of transformative power. The more we believe in ourselves today, the more others will fall under our spell.

Tuesday August 1

Wishing on a Dream

They say a dream without a plan is only a wish. Yet a plan without action is just as meaningless. That's why Mars and Jupiter's current relationship is important. They provide the enthusiasm and optimism needed to overcome doubt and inertia so that we can act on the Supermoon energy. It's an invitation to pursue the progress we know is possible and that we yearn to see. But more than that, it's reassurance that the creative energy and emotional resources we invest will not be spent in vain.

Wednesday August 2

Supermoon Wanes

The Supermoon wanes but the lingering power of the lunar energy continues. With another Supermoon arriving later this month, this is just the start of its effects. We're embarked on a process that allows time for rebalancing relationships and restructuring plans. But just because we're on a journey doesn't mean success can be enjoyed along the way. Mars and Jupiter indicate that growth comes in fits and starts; and is found in the unexpected. Being ready (and willing to improvise) is key.

Thursday August 3

Ferris Wheel

130 years ago today, the first Ferris Wheel opened in Chicago. Imagine the excitement! The experience of being taken up to great heights to enjoy the view, and then bumping back down to earth again is a metaphor for life. Today's Mercury-Saturn link invites us to see our limitations as reliable structures - a bit like the safety belts on our modern-day rollercoasters. We might be passengers on this planet, but the ride constantly provides us with new perspectives - and thrills to enjoy too.

Friday August 4

Champagne Harry

Meghan Markle's birthday coincides with the anniversary of Dom Pérignon's creation of champagne. Is this an indicator that everyone born on this day is destined to seek the highlife? I know many Leos who aspire to fame and fortune, but most would describe their lifestyle as more 'prosecco' than champers! As Mercury leaves its opposition with Saturn this weekend, labels don't define success. Bubbles in bottles are always fun! It's by focusing on what we enjoy that we'll find reasons to celebrate.

Saturday August 5

Your Weekly Horoscope

In theory it's easy to have principles. Few people think of themselves as immoral. Yet life has a way of presenting us with sticky situations that cause us to consider why we think what we think, and why we need to adhere to our ethical values. While the Sun and Jupiter urge us to take the moral high ground this week, the Venus-Uranus link suggests that sticking to it will be challenging. It's by being true to ourselves that we can take action that proves we can walk our talk, with our heads held high.

Sunday August 6

Your Week Ahead Love Horoscope

Remember, your Love Forecast today does not just cover romance. A love forecast may also have something to say about your family life, your closest friendships and even some of your most important working relationships.

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