Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



October 23 2023 to October 29 2023

Monday October 23

Baby One More Time

25 years ago, when Britney released 'Baby One More Time', she was just another teenage pop star. No one could have predicted the huge impact she'd make on the music industry. Her career's longevity, and the determined way she's fought to regain control of her life, are testament to her inner strength. As the Sun moves into Scorpio, we don't need to make a big song and dance to make progress. Focusing, and quietly investing our efforts, will be far more effective.

Tuesday October 24


Concorde made its last commercial flight 20 years ago today. Despite its technological achievements and glamorous design, it ceased to operate for a number of reasons. Perhaps one of them was due to the fact that speed isn't everything! Sometimes, especially if it means getting things right and managing our resources, it's better to take our time. As the Sun and Saturn harmonise today, we can do things well: or we can do things economically. But to do both requires patience.

Wednesday October 25

Katy Perry

My son and I love rewatching Superbowl halftime shows. And even though Katy Perry doesn't have the street cred of Dr Dre, or the genius of Prince, her performance always blows me away. She delivers her songs with such energy and enthusiasm that I can't help but feel emotionally invested in her success. As we move towards a Lunar Eclipse, we don't need to aim to reach her spectacular heights. But the more joy we put in to whatever we do, the bigger our impact will be.

Thursday October 26

One-Eyed King

The philosopher Desiderius Erasmus wrote that "In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king." Yet in my experience, those that see further than others are rarely exalted in their lifetime. Trying to describe a vision is hard going (especially when people are sceptical). The upcoming Lunar Eclipse inspires new ideas. Even if they can't be shared, they're still worth following. And with determination, we can find subtle ways to attract investment and ensure success.

Friday October 27

Lunar Eclipse

The approaching Lunar Eclipse creates an intense emotional landscape. Old relationship ties are likely to loom large, and cause different priorities to compete for our attention. Yet unlike the Rugby World Cup Final, it's not a contest between winners and losers. Despite the distractions, as long as we keep focused on our goals, we won't find it difficult to remember which team we're playing for. This weekend, by investing in other people's happiness, we can find ways to increase our own.

Saturday October 28

Your November Monthly Horoscope

With Jupiter (abundance) realigning with intuitive Neptune at the start of November, this is a month to dream big. With the skies encouraging us to enjoy ourselves, making time to have fun will lead to inspiring ways to cope with life's everyday challenges. The New Moon's link with passionate Mars adds a seductive dynamic. By sharing our enthusiasm, even the most established relationships can find new sparkle. It's a chance to sow seeds of change that bring lasting pleasure.

Sunday October 29

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

With Jupiter (abundance) realigning with intuitive Neptune at the start of November, this is a month to dream big. With the skies encouraging us to enjoy ourselves, making time to have fun will lead to inspiring ways to cope with life's everyday challenges. The New Moon's link with passionate Mars adds a seductive dynamic. By sharing our enthusiasm, even the most established relationships can find new sparkle. It's a chance to sow seeds of change that bring lasting pleasure.

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