Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



November 6 2023 to November 12 2023

Monday November 6

The Daily Laptop

My thanks to Jemima Cainer for standing in for me last week. It was great to be able to take some time off. Like many people, I don't always prioritise looking after myself, but it's necessary if we hope to carry on doing a good job. And it reminds us that life is about more than work! Encouraged by today's Grand Trine, with just a subtle change in our daily habits we can find more joy. Combined with Saturn's change of direction, I'm motivated to get to work and put my nose back to the grind-stone laptop!

Tuesday November 7

Pantalon de Paris

Until 10 years ago, Parisian women weren't allowed to wear trousers without getting permission from a police officer. The 300-year-old law, created to prevent them doing certain jobs, and dressing like men, hadn't, of course, been enforced for years. But it highlights how easily we make judgements based on the clothes people choose to wear. With Venus heading into Libra, style and self-expression come into focus. Yet instead of imposing nonsensical laws, we're more likely to admire people who break them!

Wednesday November 8

Acts of Kindness

As election results start to filter in, today is a big day in US politics. Since these days it seems we can't have differing opinions without making enemies (or starting a 'culture war'), maybe we should be inspired by yesterday's Mercury/Neptune link, and communicate with compassionate sensitivity. Some folk will struggle with disappointment today, while others are buoyed by hope. Yet, as Venus moves into its celestial home, with small acts of kindness we can establish mutual respect and understanding.

Thursday November 9


Many people are worried about the threat of AI. But while any new tech development can be misused, a look at world history reveals a reassuring plethora of examples that remind us of how good we are at working together, looking after each other, and finding solutions to generational challenges. As Mercury prepares to enter Sagittarius, the more we explore new ideas, the less scary they'll become. Who knows... maybe AI's guiding principles will involve cooperation and community!

Friday November 10

Boxing Clever.

Mercury's move into Sagittarius highlights freedom of expression, But the planet of communication is also aligning with restrictive Saturn. Where does that leave us? Needing to convey messages but struggling to communicate? Wanting to think outside the box but finding the lid locked? It's a challenge! Yet often, it's when we feel frustrated that we're inspired to find ground-breaking ways to move beyond our limitations. As Mars opposes Uranus this weekend, if we want to create change, we can!

Saturday November 11

Your Weekly Horoscope

As the world pauses for Armistice Day, Mars (known as the King of Conflict) and the Sun, converge with the New Moon. This is a cosmic call to change the way we approach disagreements and find new ways to nourish our relationships. It's about letting go of old resentments and celebrating what we have in common. Moving forwards, as Venus, Mercury and Jupiter align this week, speaking from the heart is key to creating understandings that will endure, long into the future.

Sunday November 12

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

As the world pauses for Armistice Day, Mars (known as the King of Conflict) and the Sun, converge with the New Moon. This is a cosmic call to change the way we approach disagreements and find new ways to nourish our relationships. It's about letting go of old resentments and celebrating what we have in common. Moving forwards, as Venus, Mercury and Jupiter align this week, speaking from the heart is key to creating understandings that will endure, long into the future.

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Oscar and Cainer's Daily Zodiac Forecasts