Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



July 22 2024 to July 28 2024

Monday July 22

Beneath the Surface

Following the astrological Blue Moon in Capricorn, the Sun harmonises with Neptune and enters its Leo home. The heavens are inviting us to come out to play - but with instructions to play nicely! Even empathetic souls can get insensitive when distracted. And while dreamy Neptune promises the arrival of shiny, attractive new developments, Pluto encourages us to look beneath the surface. The more we express what's in our hearts, the more beautiful and fulfilling our experiences can be.

Tuesday July 23

Sun opposes Pluto

Yesterday, we talked about the value of peeking behind the curtain when something dazzling appears in our lives. Yet not everything that flatters is deceiving. Just as people are capable of being kind (without an ulterior motive), beauty can be appreciated for what it is. But it's still illuminating to discover how and why something (or someone) has the ability to impress; it helps us find ways to access our own power. The Sun's opposition to Pluto reminds us that we all have an inner light waiting to shine.

Wednesday July 24

Behind the Veil

Author Junichiro Tanizaki wrote: "Find beauty not only in the thing itself but in the pattern of the shadows, the light and dark which that thing provides." Leonard Cohen sang: "There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in." We've been talking about the value of looking behind facades to find treasure. It involves challenging assumptions and being prepared to alter ways of thinking. The coming 'Finger of Fate' alignment encourages us to acknowledge our own hidden beauty.

Thursday July 25

Bob Dylan

Today, in 1965, Bob Dylan was booed for performing with an electric guitar. Yet without his controversial/courageous decision to embrace the new technology, would we have had the classic tracks that shaped popular music? Welcoming new discoveries can be challenging. What are we supposed to do if they're not to our taste? Sometimes we need time, perspective and repeated exposure to understand the value of new possibilities. Mercury's Finger of Fate speeds that process up.

Friday July 26

In the Shadows

We've been talking about finding beauty hidden in shadows, and learning to appreciate undeveloped gifts. And as the Sun links to Mars (power) and Saturn (discipline) today, not only does the cosmos promise exciting opportunities worth getting passionate about, it motivates us to take the creative side of ourselves more seriously. This weekend, encouraged by Mercury's Finger of Fate, if we nurture new skills, we can take pragmatic steps that materially improve our lives.

Saturday July 27

Your Weekly Horoscope

With Mercury (ideas) aligned with Neptune (dreams) and Pluto (transformation), it's a time to discover hidden talents and nurture undeveloped skills. Talent is only a starting point; it takes research and repetition to hone natural abilities into sustainably impressive proficiencies. And if initial promises don't translate into instant success, with Mercury soon to turn retrograde and repeat these alignments, we'll get several bites of this particular cherry. Practice will make perfect.

Sunday July 28

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

With Mercury (ideas) aligned with Neptune (dreams) and Pluto (transformation), it's a time to discover hidden talents and nurture undeveloped skills. Talent is only a starting point; it takes research and repetition to hone natural abilities into sustainably impressive proficiencies. And if initial promises don't translate into instant success, with Mercury soon to turn retrograde and repeat these alignments, we'll get several bites of this particular cherry. Practice will make perfect.

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