Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



August 5 2024 to August 11 2024

Monday August 5

Printer Retrograde

Mercury turns retrograde today. Cue missed calls, disappearing emails, and printer-rage. Although if I had details of my printer's date of manufacture, I reckon it would definitely confirm that it was created under Mercury retrograde! Yet even if words fail us, we don't lose the power to communicate. And as Venus links with Neptune and Pluto we can find subtle ways to send messages. If the usual signals jam, by being creative, our hearts can paint pictures worth a thousand words.

Tuesday August 6

You Say What?

Yesterday, we talked about finding subtle ways to communicate. But the trouble with subtlety is that it requires the people we're talking with to read between the lines and use their imagination. So, we all need to be focusing on what's being said. Today, it's worth making a special effort to capture someone's attention. As both the Sun and Mars link with Neptune, we can easily find ways to create an intriguing display that catches someone's eye, and makes them curious to peek behind the veil.

Wednesday August 7

The Exercise of Power

Ambitious Jupiter and secretive Pluto are testing the ways we exercise our power. Are we using our talents and skills to further our ambitions in a positive direction? Or turning them inwards in ways that protect our self-interests and promote hidden agendas? We've all got plans we'd like to follow through. But allowing our secret fears to guide us as we travel on life's great adventure won't take us to a great destination. Today, if we choose to walk in the light, the more powerful we become.

Thursday August 8

Nothing but Nice

They say "if you can't say something nice, say nothing at all." Yet although there's never an excuse for being rude or unnecessarily confrontational, there's nothing wrong with having a good moan - especially when we find someone with similar grievances! As retrograde Mercury and Venus converge today, we needn't stay silent or make light of difficult conditions. The cosmos is encouraging us to 'tell it like it is'. By being honest and frank we can find ways to improve tricky situations.

Friday August 9

A Good Moan

Yesterday, we were talking about the benefits of having a good moan. But there's a difference between sniping from the sidelines and having a discussion about what needs to change. The Mercury/Venus link helps us see where our reality doesn't match the picture we've been sold. But it also invites us to come up with creative ways to address problems. We might not find perfect solutions this weekend. But we can make a good start!

Saturday August 10

Your Weekly Horoscope

Sometimes our eyes are bigger than our stomachs. Sometimes our mouths write cheques our bodies can't cash. At least our ears and noses are better behaved! As Mars and Jupiter converge this week, excitement and passion could cause us to dive in head-first rather than ease gradually in. So it's useful that retrograde Mercury gives us time to look before leaping. We need to listen to our inner voice and speak our truths. When our hearts and heads work in combo, the sky's the limit. So, aim high!

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Oscar and Cainer's Daily Zodiac Forecasts