Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



August 12 2024 to August 18 2024

Monday August 12

Mistaken Success.

"If you haven't made any mistakes lately, you must be doing something wrong". I'm glad the author of bestseller 'Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway', Dr Susan Jeffers, is a psychologist, not a surgeon! As Mars and Jupiter align with Pluto, it might be tempting to override niggling doubts. Are our fears unwarranted? Not necessarily. But rather than weighing up the risks, it's worth considering whether the penalties for failure outweigh the opportunities for growth. As long as we can recover, success is achievable.

Tuesday August 13

Finger of Fate

Yesterday, on International Youth Day, we talked about the fact that mistakes don't always lead to failure. Thinking back to the follies of my youth, there were lots of situations that went 'awry'. But were they mistakes? The process of becoming who we are involves sometimes experimenting with being different to who we think we are. They say that 'the road to success is paved with failure'. As retrograde Mercury realigns in a Finger of Fate, we're being invited to learn how to build better roads.

Wednesday August 14

First Time Since 1989

As Mars and Jupiter combine in Gemini for the first time since 1989, our powers of persuasion are growing. That might be a bold statement. Or big talk. But if ever there was a time to convince someone in the Arctic to buy ice, it's now! Actually, with our climate challenges, there's a serious point to this analogy. With the two planets linking to Saturn, by taking our responsibilities seriously, we can combine our strengths to work towards long-lasting goals. And have some fun too!

Thursday August 15

Talk More - Think Bigger

With Mars and Jupiter still converged, there's an urge to talk more and think bigger. But with Mercury still retrograde, we need to be careful that talk doesn't come cheap. Or that we end up overthinking (and not taking action). Sometimes, instead of concentrating on the excitement of an idea, we ruminate on the reasons why it won't work. Today, as the planet of ideas returns to fiery Leo, we can discover creative solutions that reignite our enthusiasm to face challenges we're keen to meet.

Friday August 16

Happy Birthday Madonna!

Happy Birthday Madonna! The Queen of Pop turns 66 today. Her longevity and ability to reinvent herself perfectly epitomises the current cosmic climate. Although the link between dynamic Mars and disciplined Saturn suggests effort will be rewarded, as Mercury (ideas) realigns with innovative Uranus, success won't be repeatable unless we're prepared to move with the times. It's about adaptability. This weekend, by changing our minds we can influence other people's perspectives.

Saturday August 17

Your Weekly Horoscope

This week expansive Jupiter and restrictive Saturn form their most intense alignment since 2020 - the dark era of lockdowns. These titans of the Zodiac always focus our attention on the major themes (and challenges) of our lives. But this time, Venus, the planet of love, is involved; it's by following our hearts that we'll find creative ways forwards. And the Aquarian Full Moon helps too. There are shake-ups ahead; but if we're prepared to adapt, positive, much-needed change is possible.

Sunday August 18

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

This week expansive Jupiter and restrictive Saturn form their most intense alignment since 2020 - the dark era of lockdowns. These titans of the Zodiac always focus our attention on the major themes (and challenges) of our lives. But this time, Venus, the planet of love, is involved; it's by following our hearts that we'll find creative ways forwards. And the Aquarian Full Moon helps too. There are shake-ups ahead; but if we're prepared to adapt, positive, much-needed change is possible.

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