Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



August 19 2024 to August 25 2024

Monday August 19

Superblue Full Moon

With Uranus, the change-maker, positioned between the Superblue Full Moon and the Sun, a cosmic tennis match, with a maverick umpire, is taking place. Except this umpire isn't just keeping score; to improve the level of the game it's prepared to leap into action and join in with the fun. This is going to be thrilling! Add the powerful Jupiter/Saturn convergence, and it's a day to remember. No time for sitting on the sidelines of our lives now. It's a chance to create change and make dreams come true.

Tuesday August 20

Full Moon Agogo

The current cosmic climate is so full of energy it's hard to know where to start! With the Full Moon, and Venus (love) opposing pragmatic Saturn, and lucky Jupiter and dynamic Mars still loosely converged, we're being encouraged to creatively switch things up in the name of progress (whilst thinking ideas through before doing anything too hasty)! Although things need to change in order to make progress, we can preserve the essence of what we love and take exciting steps into the future.

Wednesday August 21

The Long Haul

The skies have been action-packed, but it's Jupiter and Saturn's continuing relationship that will have the longest effect. Their alignment has been building since mid-August, and remains in place for several days. These titans enable us to ensure that progress is sustainable. Although Mars and Jupiter's recent convergence ramped up the pressure to act, just as plants that shoot up overnight aren't strong enough to build anything enduring, today we can start cultivating plans that will last.

Thursday August 22

After Party

As the Full Moon wanes, the Sun leaves its Leo home and enters earthy Virgo. And after the intensity of the Full Moon and the Jupiter/Saturn alignment, we can take it as a sign that normal service is resuming. Which might sound reassuring... unless, like me, your normal service is anything but normal! Yet with the Sun forming a Finger of Fate we can be inspired to find imaginative solutions to any ongoing problems. So even if it's back to business, it's better business than usual.

Friday August 23


It's 30 years since Jeff Buckley released his cover of Leonard Cohen's 'Hallelujah'. My dad is currently at the Edinburgh Fringe performing his own version of the song. Instead of evoking biblical imagery, he reimagines Cohen performing mundane chores. It might not be as emotional as Buckley's version, but it's funnier! As Mars links with Venus today (and Mercury this weekend), as long as our efforts demonstrate passion, they can bring a delightful mix of pleasure... and applause.

Saturday August 24

Your Weekly Horoscope

Sometimes we need to be brutally honest. Yet the unvarnished truth doesn't need to be unpleasantly expressed; it's just that when we're embarrassed to be forthright, our feelings get lost behind words. This week, as Venus arrives home in Libra to form the Celestial Archer, which dominates the skies over the next few months, we're armed with creative arrows of truth and beauty. We can find gentle ways of expressing ourselves. With Mercury having turned direct, we can aim from the heart, and fire true.

Sunday August 25

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

Sometimes we need to be brutally honest. Yet the unvarnished truth doesn't need to be unpleasantly expressed; it's just that when we're embarrassed to be forthright, our feelings get lost behind words. This week, as Venus arrives home in Libra to form the Celestial Archer, which dominates the skies over the next few months, we're armed with creative arrows of truth and beauty. We can find gentle ways of expressing ourselves. With Mercury having turned direct, we can aim from the heart, and fire true.

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