Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



September 2 2024 to September 8 2024

Monday September 2

Pluto to Capricorn

Having spent the last two years criss-crossing celestial boundaries, Pluto, the planet of endings and new beginnings, returns to Capricorn today. It's its final trip before setting up home in Aquarius for the next 20 years. Over the next couple of months, we can expect to see long-forgotten issues from the past re-emerge. But if that sounds a bit scary, this time, we've got the experience and knowhow to deal with them in ways that help us move forwards, with less baggage, into the future.

Tuesday September 3

Do Be DO

They say that if a thing is worth doing, it's worth doing well. But if a thing can't be done well, it can still be worth doing! With the New Moon in Virgo, it's good intentions that count. Today, even if things don't work out as planned, there are gains to be made. And with dynamic Mars squaring with sensitive Neptune, we can turn our frustration into enthusiasm that sustains us through any ongoing challenges; and be inspired to keep doing our best, for ourselves... and those we care about.

Wednesday September 4

Action Required

The legacy of the Virgoan New Moon helps us find effective new ways to approach our daily routines. But with so much going on in our lives, it's easy to choose to follow the path of least resistance. The good news is that as power planet Mars enters Cancer, it helps us discern where to focus our energy in order to fulfil our potential; to achieve our dreams for ourselves and our loved ones, action is required. Today brings awareness of untapped strengths we can use to instigate positive change.

Thursday September 5

Awareness Shift

With Uranus, the change-maker, now moving retrograde, the changes we're experiencing will be of a more subtle nature. The planet of innovation encourages shifts in awareness which highlight new ways of thinking about what we need to do to find fulfilment. Even if we're following paths that promise success, experiences along the way will affect our thinking. It's a chance to explore desires and dreams. And lay foundations for adventures that take us on journeys towards realising them.

Friday September 6

Making Plans

We've been talking about the effort it takes to create change; and that change is best when it stems from inner awareness. This weekend, we can take action that increases our chances of success. But this process needs to start with an internal audit that reminds us of untapped strengths. The cosmic energy is dynamic. It's by creating plans and being prepared to adapt that we can start realising our potential. And have fun along the way.

Saturday September 7

Your Weekly Horoscope

The Sun is opposite Saturn (the cosmic teacher), while its link with Jupiter (planet of luck) gains impetus. It's a cosmic invitation to develop our ideas. That doesn't mean hoping for change (yet sticking to our familiar routines)! Imagination is a powerful asset. And by taking creativity seriously this week, we can find innovative ways to get out of our ruts. It's the perfect time to action plans and do things differently - with surprisingly effective, potentially life-changing results.

Sunday September 8

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

The Sun is opposite Saturn (the cosmic teacher), while its link with Jupiter (planet of luck) gains impetus. It's a cosmic invitation to develop our ideas. That doesn't mean hoping for change (yet sticking to our familiar routines). Imagination is one of our greatest assets. And by taking creativity seriously this week, we can find innovative ways to get out of our ruts. It's the perfect time to action plans and do things differently - with surprisingly effective, potentially life-changing results.

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Oscar and Cainer's Daily Zodiac Forecasts