Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



September 16 2024 to September 22 2024

Monday September 16


155 years ago today, the first hole-in-one was recorded by Tom Morris at a Scottish golf course. It must have been an incredible feeling; it's always great to get things perfectly right on the first try - but being the first to do it is extra special. With Jupiter's presence being felt so strongly we can all benefit from good fortune. But luck isn't limited to beginners. As the Celestial Archer approaches its peak at the Super Lunar Eclipse, no matter how many swings it takes, we'll strike it lucky soon.

Tuesday September 17

The Cosmic Teacher

Although the Celestial Archer Super Lunar Eclipse dominates the celestial news, it's not the only story. Quick-thinking Mercury's move opposite Saturn (the Cosmic Teacher) tomorrow suggests a battle for control of the narrative. But this friendly mental sparring can help test the resilience of ideas so that they're strong enough to withstand challenges. The Archer's link with dreamy Neptune will spark our imaginations and ensure that our dreams won't disappear as quickly the Eclipse fades.

Wednesday September 18

Euripides Trousers

The ancient Greek playwright Euripides wrote 'Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.' Today, as the Super Lunar Eclipse arrives aligning the Celestial Archer's energy towards dreamy Neptune, there's confusion in the air. Neptune doesn't tend to paint clear pictures. But it does create beautiful visions that we feel compelled to explore. So don't be surprised if things take interesting, nonsensical turns. The reasons for these developments will soon become wonderfully apparent.

Thursday September 19

Super Lunar Eclipse

As the Super Lunar Eclipse wanes, the Sun/Uranus alignment brings clarity of purpose and vision. It's a chance to explore dreams we haven't dared to investigate. This isn't about closing our eyes and hoping for the best. It's about finding ways to feel comfortable moving through the unknown. That comes from the ability to adjust to our conditions. And from being confident that we can rise to unseen challenges. Even if there are hidden problems ahead, we can be sure they're surmountable.

Friday September 20


Confidence is important. But sometimes it's hard to know whether genuine optimism or wishful thinking is driving us onwards. As Saturn and Uranus realign, once-clever solutions might produce more questions than answers. They say that 'the first to innovate, is the first to go out-of-date', yet today our approach can reflect a new reality. This weekend, the Celestial Archer helps us identify creative ways to invest energy. Success awaits.

Saturday September 21

Your Weekly Horoscope

Happy Equinox! As the Sun enters diplomatic Libra and the Celestial Archer continues to inspire us, the cosmic spotlight focuses on the strengths we draw from our relationships. In our crazy world, it's easy to see ourselves in competition with others. But without humanity's need to connect, communicate, and cooperate, would we even exist?! This week, with a combo of truth and kindness, agreements which deepen bonds and satisfy desires can be reached. Teamwork really is dreamwork!

Sunday September 22

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

Happy Equinox! As the Sun enters diplomatic Libra and the Celestial Archer continues to inspire us, the cosmic spotlight focuses on the strengths we draw from our relationships. In our crazy world, it's easy to see ourselves in competition with others. But without humanity's need to connect, communicate, and cooperate, would we even exist?! This week, with a combo of truth and kindness, agreements which deepen bonds and satisfy desires can be reached. Teamwork really is dreamwork!

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