Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



October 7 2024 to October 13 2024

Monday October 7

Far Side

We first glimpsed the far side of the moon 65 years ago. It's amazing how long something beautiful can be hidden from our sight. Today, as creative Venus (in Scorpio) links with mysterious Pluto, we don't have to launch into space to experience hidden delights. By looking more closely at what's happening in our own lives, we'll appreciate different qualities, and discover creative avenues which hold practical applications. There's lots to get excited about, and it's right under our noses!

Tuesday October 8

Mars and Venus Sparkle

Today, as Mars and Venus harmonise, the power of their long alignment peaks. The good news is that their sparkling relationship isn't going to fizzle out. The Grand Trine they're forming with Saturn (discipline) will slowly morph into a new Grand Trine with imaginative Neptune. It's a bit like one of those movies where the strict and stuffy teacher turns into the students' sensitive, inspiring role model. The foundations we're currently creating will enable our brightest, best selves to emerge.

Wednesday October 9

Space Dive

40 years ago today, Kathy Sullivan became the first American woman to walk in space. As if that isn't impressive enough, four years ago, she was the first woman to explore the Mariana Trench - the deepest point of the ocean! Yet up or down, backwards or forwards, it's not the direction of travel that counts. It's the journey, and how we share our experiences to leave a legacy. As Jupiter turns retrograde, our quests for adventure might need readjusting. But the potential for inner growth is inspiring.

Thursday October 10


Today is World Mental Health Day. It's a subject that's close to my heart. As an astrologer, I spend lots of time thinking about how the planetary alignments shape our emotions and affect the decisions we make. And like everyone, I don't always prioritise looking after myself. Although we can find it hard to share our feelings, as Mercury (communication) moves to form a Finger of Fate, by talking to people who care, we can experience understanding that leads to emotional breakthroughs.

Friday October 11

Pluto Direct

Mysterious Pluto is about to move forwards and embark on its final journey out of Capricorn. As it changes direction, plans start to crystallise, and transformative ideas begin to take shape. For grand designs to become more than pipe dreams we need to collaborate with people who share our interests. That's why, this weekend, it's important to seize opportunities to communicate. Our visions will become more powerful (and more achievable).

Saturday October 12

Your Weekly Horoscope

The Hunter's Full Moon, which lights up this week's skies, is special. It's a Grand Cross Super Moon linked with fiery Mars opposite secretive Pluto. Under its influence, we'll gain insight into emotional aspects in relationships that have been bubbling beneath the surface. If that sounds like a recipe for a lover's tiff, don't panic! With Venus (planet of love) creating a Grand Trine with sensitive Neptune and Mars, with kindness, instead of getting to boiling point, our feelings will simmer along nicely!

Sunday October 13

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

The Hunter's Moon, which lights up this week's skies, is special. It's a Grand Cross Super Moon linked with fiery Mars opposite secretive Pluto. Under its influence, we'll gain insight into emotional aspects in relationships that have been bubbling beneath the surface. If that sounds like a recipe for a lover's tiff, don't panic! With Venus (planet of love) creating a Grand Trine with sensitive Neptune and Mars, with kindness, instead of getting to boiling point, our feelings will simmer along nicely!

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Oscar and Cainer's Daily Zodiac Forecasts