New / Full Moons: Full 13th Apr in Libra New 27th Apr in Taurus Full 12th May in Scorpio
Today is April Fool's Day. Although no one can pinpoint its origins, the practice of telling tales and pranking people seems to go back for hundreds of years. People used to compete to see how far they could astound other folks; and then put them out of their misery by shouting 'April Fool'! Maybe it's because it's hard to differentiate fact from fiction that the tradition is less popular these days? But making someone laugh by doing something silly is surely a practice worth practicing!
On Saturday, March 29th, 2025, the universe is staging a breathtaking Partial Solar Eclipse in the passionate domain of Aries. This isn't just an astronomical event - it's a profound invitation to personal revelation. What if the stars could speak directly to YOU? This eclipse is more than a fleeting moment in the sky. It's a cosmic doorway - a rare alignment that carries the potential to illuminate the most rewarding pathways of your personal journey. Take advantage of a special 50% Discount with a FREE Personal Profile Birth Chart that reveals the universe's secret blueprint for your life. Receive three complimentary Tarot readings and enjoy a stunning 50% discount on Full Horoscope Charts - your celestial gateway awaits. ( OFFER ENDS SOON! )
There's a genre of crime novels that always ends with a similar finale. All the different characters are called into a room where the detective announces that they've solved the murder. How does the guilty person react? Sometimes, they try to sneak out, drawing attention to their culpability. You've got the detective role in a drama in your life. But you're still in the evidence-gathering stage. Take your time. Check the reliability of your intel. You don't want to risk losing the moment by jumping to the wrong conclusion.
March's Solar Eclipse is drawing a map of your future - will you follow its guidance? Claim your personal horoscope chart at 50% off and receive a complimentary 'Personal Profile' and three transformative Tarot readings that can help illuminate your path. ( OFFER ENDS SOON! )
'We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars'. Oscar Wilde's inspiring words are worth bearing in mind today. Although it's true that you find yourself in a less-than-ideal situation, it's hard to see what action you could have taken that would have prevented things getting to where they are. And trying to work out how you 'should' have done things differently is futile. Even though things are growing more complex, and there are obstacles ahead, today, if you turn your attention forwards, you'll make progress.
With this Solar Eclipse, the cosmos is speaking directly to you. Decode your personal Birth Chart, at 50% off - and receive three free Tarot readings, and a complimentary 'Personal Profile' for you or a loved one. ( OFFER ENDS SOON! )
You feel compelled to adhere to a certain set of rules. Yet they were created a long time ago, in a different era, by people in your world who no longer have authority over you. These aren't, by the way, legal issues that should never be contravened. They're unspoken agreements which have been upheld, which are no longer relevant, or fair. Your retrograde ruler, Mercury, is offering you a chance to reassess and reconsider what binds you to whom - and why. You can free yourself from an outmoded modus operandi.
This Solar Eclipse transforms ordinary moments into extraordinary revelations. Download your unique horoscope and witness the magic of personal transformation. Claim your 50% discount, and receive a free Personal Profile plus three transformative Tarot readings. ( OFFER ENDS SOON! )
Although you're under pressure (Mars is still in your sign), try to stay cool, calm and collected. It's only if you're sure that this approach isn't working that it's time to ramp up your approach. Even then, work gradually. Start with a quiet suggestion. Then, try a stronger assertion. Then (and only then) get the metaphorical megaphone out. This is sensible advice... right? But how realistic is it when you're emotionally invested in the result? Not very! Just take a breath before speaking today. Then, speak from your heart.
Listen closely - the Solar Eclipse is speaking your name. Uncover your Birth Chart's secrets - All Birth Charts now at a 50% discount.. plus receive three mystical Tarot readings and a complimentary 'Personal Profile'. ( OFFER ENDS SOON! )
You're a generous, warm-hearted Leo. While everyone is born with these qualities, even the kindest folks have a shadow side. As we gain experience of the world and find ways to navigate its challenges, we learn to show the most appropriate characteristic at the most appropriate time. Which means that people aren't always quite what they seem. Yet you know, that when you find yourself in difficult situations your best bet is to show the nicest side of yourself. Today, if you're as kind as you can be, you'll make progress.
The Solar Eclipse stands before you, a portal to transformation. Step through that portal with your Personal Birth Chart at 50% off - three free Tarot readings and complimentary 'Personal Profile' with every download. ( OFFER ENDS SOON! )
Suppose you were offered a chance to try out a new life today? If, instead of having to plough through your list of things to do, you came across an Alice-in-Wonderland-type potion that made you shrink to a fraction of your size? Then you could join the wish-granting fairy team? Since you don't have a magic wand, you'd just have to hope that people wished for things that are already in your power to grant. Although, for that, you don't need wings! Today, just by being you, you can help someone harness their inner magic.
Listen closely - the Solar Eclipse is speaking your name. Uncover your Birth Chart's secrets - All Birth Charts now at a 50% discount.. plus receive three mystical Tarot readings and a complimentary 'Personal Profile'. ( OFFER ENDS SOON! )
Surely even the most dedicated hiker has to pause when they've got a stone in their shoe? But suppose they're on a tight deadline? Or they're with a group of other hikers who are determined to walk as fast as possible? We've all sometimes been in situations where we hobble along, trying to avoid putting weight onto an object in our sock. And the longer we cope, the less we're inclined to stop and take it out. You can take simple action to relieve an annoying problem in your world. Just don't let pride get in your way. The Solar Eclipse stands before you, a portal to transformation. Step through that portal with your Personal Birth Chart at 50% off - three free Tarot readings and complimentary 'Personal Profile' with every download. ( OFFER ENDS SOON! )
People who have psychic powers are a bit scary. While part of us wants to believe in their abilities, another part is nervous. If someone is able to read our minds, what will they see? Which secrets might they discover? We've all got aspects of ourselves that we want to keep private. And as a deep-thinking Scorpio, the last thing you want is someone invading your thoughts. Which is why you carefully keep your innermost feelings safely tucked away. Yet today, if you share a secret, you'll feel lighter, and much better supported. The Solar Eclipse is calling your name! Unlock your destiny. Enjoy a stunning 50% discount on Full Horoscope Charts with a FREE Personal Profile Birth Chart that reveals the universe's secret blueprint for your life. Receive three complimentary Tarot readings - your celestial gateway awaits! ( OFFER ENDS SOON! ) -
Since we don't always say what we mean, the fact that the most revealing aspect of a conversation comes from what's 'not' said shouldn't come as a surprise. It's the subjects that aren't spoken about, the sudden changes of topic, and the silences, that speak volumes. Psychotherapists and body-language experts derive lots of information from observing these moments. Yet if we over focus on details, we risk losing sight of the overall picture. Today, you can strike the perfect balance, and get to the bottom of a problem. This New Moon Solar Eclipse is extending a cosmic invitation to profound transformation. Discover your unique personal horoscope chart at half price and embrace the love you truly deserve - with a free Personal Profile and three Tarot readings these are your keys to unlocking hidden spiritual potential. ( OFFER ENDS SOON! ) -
In any debate, when people disagree about the path forward, there's always a moment when a crossroads is reached. At this juncture, we can decide to de-escalate the situation, and search for shared values; or we can stick to our guns, exacerbate the divide and entrench our position. Since it's better to build (rather than burn) bridges, it's difficult to see why people choose the latter path. Except, of course, when it comes to matters of principle. Take another look at what's at stake today. It might not be as important as you think. Feel the underground tremors of March's Solar Eclipse - a powerful surge of excitement is about to break through! Peek behind the celestial curtain and witness the cosmic drama unfolding. Claim your 50% discount, and receive a free Personal Profile plus three transformative Tarot readings.( OFFER ENDS SOON! )
With so much alarming news around, we tend to scrutinise the horizon in an effort to safeguard ourselves against trouble. Hunkering down and closing our eyes is an entirely normal way of protecting ourselves and preventing things from being worse in our corner of the world. You're not alone in feeling you've got more than you can cope with on your plate. Yet, there's no need to be overly anxious. And if you step out of your comfort zone today, you'll realise that one particular issue is far less urgent than it looks. The Solar Eclipse arrives like a thunderbolt of opportunity - are you ready to capture its magic? Download your unique personal horoscope chart now, claim your 50% discount, and receive a free personal profile plus three transformative Tarot readings. ( OFFER ENDS SOON! ) -
They tell us that pride comes before a fall and that there's an 'up' for every 'down'. These well-known idioms seem to follow a natural logic that underpins life on our ball of rock. After all, night always follows day, and happiness and sadness are opposite sides of the same coin. Even love and hate, which we tend to think of as being opposites, are more closely related than we like to admit. With your ruler, Neptune, now transiting Aries, if you tap into your intuitive powers, you'll find the positive in a challenging situation. This Solar Eclipse isn't just an astronomical event - it's a personal revolution. Unveil your spiritual potential. Order any Birth Chart at a 50% discount - comes with a free 'Personal Profile, three mystical Tarot readings, and a whisper of destiny. ( OFFER ENDS SOON! ) -