October 30th to 5th November 2006
MONDAY October 30
Mercury retrograde - Neptune direct comment
Mercury is now 'retrograde'. Neptune is 'direct'. Both planets 'changed direction' over the weekend. Why have I used all those inverted commas? Because planets don't truly travel backwards. They just appear to. Technically, it's an optical illusion. Symbolically, though, it's an event rich with meaning. The planets repeat alignments they have already made; implying that short processes are about to become more long and drawn out and that closed case books are about to be re-opened. Traditionally, it's not a great week for doing business or sending messages but it's a fine time for weaving webs of deception!
TUESDAY October 31
Samhain Halloween comment
Samhain was originally one of the traditional Celtic 'cross-quarter' celebrations; a time when the veil between the spiritual and the earthly realms could be lifted. Once it was a floating festival, anchored in the sea of seasons to this time of year, but with the actual date dependent on heavenly variation. Now, it is a fixed festival, tied to October 31 and known as Halloween. It still retains its power though. To make the most of it, don't see it as a time for dressing up or watching scary movies but for facing whatever you are afraid of.
WEDNESDAY November 1
Comet 'Swan' comment
There's now a comet in the evening sky. Scientists have been tracking it for some while with telescopes, but last week, it flared up so brightly, it became visible to the naked eye. I want to see it for myself before I decide what kind of message it carries. Clouds, though, so far, have hidden it from my view. Over the next few days, I'll keep scanning the western horizon after sunset. Perhaps you'd care to do the same. If you see a small, fuzzy greenish glow, drop me a line and tell me what it brought to mind.
(Comet 'Swan' can only be seen in the northern hemisphere. It appears against the constellation Hercules high above the zodiac. But, if you were to trace its position down to the ecliptic for interpretation purposes, it would currently have a position of roughly 3degrees Sagittarius.)
THURSDAY November 2
Comet Swan - Part 2
I still haven't had a good look at Comet Swan but I have heard from my fellow astrologers who have been plotting its path and interpolating its position to give us a zodiacal reference point for interpretive purposes. This, according to Ptolemy (c150ad) is the traditional way to establish what a comet portends. We have looked to see which fixed stars it will come close to soon. My colleague Bernard Fitzwalter notes a conjunction to Vega; the political star. Comets usually herald an 'ending'. He thinks we may see the demise of a world leader within a few months.
FRIDAY November 3
Five planets in Scorpio / Comet Swan comment
There are now five planets in Scorpio. My colleague, Kathryn Cassidy, points out that we haven't seen such a configuration in this sign since 1910. That was the year of Halley's Comet. Comet Swan is not in quite the same league, but its ghostly green glow still has strong symbolic significance. So too does next week's transit of Mercury across the face of the Sun. With all that, plus a full moon in Taurus this weekend, there's an awful lot of astrological activity to interpret... but I have done my best, in your latest in-depth audio forecast on the Five Star Service, to cover what it all means in as much detail as possible.
SATURDAY November 4
Full Moon comment
Your Week Ahead: Weeks that start with a Full Moon tend to produce a sense of anti-climax. Just prior to the Full Moon, tides rise. Floodgates burst. Pans simmering safely on the back burner, suddenly start boiling over. If the Full Moon doesn't actually trigger a great event, things then tend to find a new balancing point. This week, though, includes a retrograde Mercury, moving from a conjunction with Venus to a conjunction with Mars as it slips apparently backwards through the zodiac. Not all hot potatoes will cool down, not all unfinished business will be ignored. While that may make for a restless week, it should also make for a very constructive one.
SUNDAY November 5
Full Moon comment
Your Week Ahead: Weeks that start with a Full Moon tend to produce a sense of anti-climax. Just prior to the Full Moon, tides rise. Floodgates burst. Pans simmering safely on the back burner, suddenly start boiling over. If the Full Moon doesn't actually trigger a great event, things then tend to find a new balancing point. This week, though, includes a retrograde Mercury, moving from a conjunction with Venus to a conjunction with Mars as it slips apparently backwards through the zodiac. Not all hot potatoes will cool down, not all unfinished business will be ignored. While that may make for a restless week, it should also make for a very constructive one.