As an imaginative Piscean, you're good at building your own world and exploring how it relates to what's going on around you. In 2024, as The Celestial Archer fires arrows of imagination towards your sign, you'll discover how useful this talent can be.
In April, as Jupiter (your traditional ruler) converges with Uranus while approaching your modern ruler, Neptune (in May) you find new ways of communicating your passions. This seismic cosmic event brings the courage to run with your best ideas and translate opportunities into exciting progress. And that's only the start of the year's potential.
As Jupiter changes signs (May), you'll be able to build on that spark and create a road to success. With Saturn spending its last complete year in Pisces, you can create a more solid base. Whenever this feels like hard work, The Archer brings support. You're not alone on your journey. And the more you share what you're trying to achieve, the more enjoyable your experience will be.
As Venus moves opposite Neptune (August), The Archer focuses its attention on you. You experience increased self-confidence, greater clarity, and the self-belief to feel more secure about trusting your instincts. It allows you to let people into the world you create, and bond on more meaningful levels. You'll feel better understood intellectually, and more deeply connected on emotional levels.
So, although 2024 involves significant change, you're more than capable of rising to its challenges. You'll enjoy investigating new ways of expressing your creativity. Your imagination is an asset. And the more you explore its depths, the greater you'll appreciate its gifts. By being true to yourself, other people will change their perception of you... and, inspired by your actions, realise, like you, how fulfilling life can be.
It's true that these are 'interesting times'. It's sometimes hard to make sense of the world and what's happening in it. But I can tell you about what's going to happen to you in your Guide to the Future 2025 Download Yours Now!