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Your Daily Horoscope, from Cainer Horoscopes

Zodiac Birth Charts

Your Zodiac Sign, the Truth - Leo

by Jonathan Cainer

leo Zodiac Sign

The Myth:
To belong to this sign, they say, is to appear to others, as brassy, sassy yet undeniably classy. It is to be brave, bold and bolshy yet still, somehow, more composed than a symphony and more "confident" than Kanye West himself. Leos, so the textbooks tell us, are nothing else, 24 hours a day, than stylish show-offs and sexy superstars.
The Truth:
If only! There is of course, a grain of truth in this. In fact there's more than a grain, there's a granary. There is not though, a mill, a stream and a bakery. Or, to put it another way, Leos can, at times be all the above and more - but though the rest of the world seems happy to imagine otherwise, they also just so happen to be human. Leos suffer, Leos struggle, Leos strive and Leos even, sometimes, screw things up. It's just that they have this air of consummate authority about them that makes such fallibility hard to imagine. Even when Leos are collapsing in floods of tears or wallowing in the depths of despair, they come across as attractive, calm and capable.
The Key To Success:
Although you were born under the sign of the lion, you often act more like a pussycat. That's fine for quiet times but, if you ever want to make things change or get results that suit you, you need to start prowling and growling. In astrological tradition, the ruler of your sign is the Sun. Be more like it. Rise up high... and shine!
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