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Jemima Cainer
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Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

capricorn Zodiac Sign

Capricorn Horoscope

Mon, 1st July 2024
Oscar Cainer

There was a time in your life when you hadn't mastered the art of eating with a knife and fork. When tying shoelaces was impossible. Then, one day (which you might (or might not) remember), you got the hang of these tasks; now you do them without giving them a thought. Life has a way of presenting us with challenges. When we can't do them, it's frustrating. Following your ruler, Saturn's change of direction, how likely is it that you'll realise you do know how to do something you thought you didn't know how to do? Very!

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Capricorn - Your July Monthly Horoscope: Picture yourself by the side of a river holding a fishing rod - except it's a flowing stream of opportunity. In July, there are prizes to catch. Even if you hook an old shoe, it will turn out to be a treasure in disguise; maybe you'll make friends with the person it belongs to. Or it might be a lucky shoe. Or, once you clean it, you'll find it's encrusted with jewels. How are you supposed to discover this river? No matter where you find yourself, be as optimistic as possible. You'll welcome in opportunities that are waiting to improve your world.

Capricorn -

Capricorn - Yesterday's Forecast:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Life brings a constant stream of psychological challenges. Are your current ones harder than normal? It's unlikely; but they feel more intense because you're particularly sensitive. It's the effect of the New Moon in your opposite sign. Even though you know you can cope, you can't seem to shake off feelings of self-doubt. And the more you focus on what you need to do to sort things out, the more doubtful you get. But the perspective you need is coming. In the meantime, trust that there's a much greater chance of success than you think.

The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Click here!

Capricorn - Sat Jun 29, 2024:
Your July Monthly Horoscope: Picture yourself by the side of a river holding a fishing rod - except it's a flowing stream of opportunity. In July, there are prizes to catch. Even if you hook an old shoe, it will turn out to be a treasure in disguise; maybe you'll make friends with the person it belongs to. Or it might be a lucky shoe. Or, once you clean it, you'll find it's encrusted with jewels. How are you supposed to discover this river? No matter where you find yourself, be as optimistic as possible. You'll welcome in opportunities that are waiting to improve your world.

Capricorn - Fri Jun 28, 2024:
If only you could step back from the position you find yourself in. As a powerhouse of efficiency, your talents are much in demand - which means you're investing in fulfilling other people's agendas (and setting yours aside). But you're overlooking an important fact. You're in this situation because you're powerful. And you can direct your power differently. Somehow, when we give power away, we empower others, and gain power in the process. Step back this weekend, and everyone will benefit (including you).

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Capricorn - Thu Jun 27, 2024:
You know how you're going to deal with some of the problems you face. But one of them is still baffling. Since you're a determined Capricorn, it's only a matter of time until you figure out what to do. But here's a hint to speed you on your way: when you're flummoxed, it's either because the situation touches a deep emotion (which stops you from being objective). Or that the problem really is impossible. Since the latter option is a very rare occurrence, if you banish your self-doubt, you'll find a way to make progress.

Capricorn - Wed Jun 26, 2024:
Venus, in your opposite sign, is reason enough to smile. But if you need other reasons, you'll find them. Yes, life is challenging. Those challenges aren't going to disappear in a puff of smoke. But they're not going to get harder. We all need to rethink our priorities and establish new sets of values based on wise principles, and today, you can set an example that others follow. You're doubtful about a situation everyone else seems to accept; and you've been investigating options. Those alternatives are becoming viable. It's action time.

Reveal the astrological secrets of your future, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions instantly download 'Your Guide to the Future'.

Capricorn - Tue Jun 25, 2024:
You're seeking understanding. Something doesn't make sense. Although everyone else seems happy with a proposition, you're wary. Are you imagining problems that don't exist? Are you secretly bored, and trying to create a distracting drama? Or are you responding to a deep intuitive sense that needs addressing? Trust that you're not being 'difficult' for the sake of it. And keep listening. You're gaining insight that will either enable you to agree with everyone. Or you're discovering a problem that needs to be dealt with.

Capricorn: - Mon Jun 24, 2024:
You're not sure which tactic to employ. Is it better to be firm and assertive? Or would a softer, more supportive approach be more effective? Or should you take a more passive role and listen to what's being said? Since the situation you're dealing with is sensitive (as are the people involved) you want to get it right. The good news is that with Venus in your opposite sign, your instincts are stronger and more highly attuned than you think. Focus on the most positive outcome, stop overthinking, and trust that whatever you do will work.

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Capricorn - Sun Jun 23, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: We can't go backwards or forwards through time. We can't speed it up or slow it down either. But sometimes it seems to go slowly... and that's almost always when we want it to go fast! You've been waiting for something to happen in your world. You've resigned yourself to the fact that you can't speed this process up. With your ruler, Saturn, slowing to turn retrograde, you might not expect to see much change this week. But in your relationship world, the shift that's taking place is worth waiting for. Be patient. Not much longer now.

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