The idea of being stuck between a rock and a hard place is enough to make anyone feel anxious. No one likes the thought of finding themselves with no room to manoeuvre. But even when we find ourselves forced to deal with less-than-ideal circumstances, things are rarely as bad as we think; our imaginations conjure up scenarios that are far worse than the reality. As Mercury (communication) moves towards your sign, you'll see that something that's been looming on your horizon turns out to be easy to deal with.
For the New Year only, your 'Guide to the Future' at 50% OFF! (plus a free chart and tarot readings.)
Capricorn - Your Weekly Horoscope: The Sun in your sign is raising your popularity levels. While it's good to be in demand, you need to be careful. Everyone wants to feel wanted, and you don't want to turn anyone down. But neither do you want to set expectations you can't meet. Plus, if you're too obliging, you'll end up with no time/energy to focus on your New Year plans. This week, you'll find the courage to speak your truth and honour your priorities. Mercury's move into Capricorn enables you to skillfully navigate a way forwards that works for everyone.
Capricorn - Your January Monthly Horoscope: You enter the New Year with a sense of excitement and expectation. The adventurous side of you is demanding attention, and you're ready to set forth into 2025 on a voyage of discovery. Even if there's no physical expedition on your horizon, you're ready to experiment with innovative ideas about how to approach some of the day-to-day aspects of your life. You want to liven things up! This is a perfect attitude with which to enter January. It's a clear sign that the road you set out on will lead to a wonderful new phase of your future.
Capricorn - Yesterday's Forecast:
Less than a week ago we were looking forwards to starting a new year. Now that we've taken a few steps into 2025, it's tempting to wistfully look back at what we've left behind. Humans seem to have a predilection for nostalgia! Rather than focusing on the present, we think about what 'could have been', what 'should have been', and what we 'could' have done differently. As Mercury, planet of intellect, moves towards your sign, instead of looking back look forwards. You'll see that your outlook is brighter than you think.
For the New Year only, your 'Guide to the Future' at 50% OFF! (plus a free chart and tarot readings.)
Capricorn - Sun Jan 05, 2025:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Mercury, planet of communication, is moving into your sign this week. It's great timing; because an important conversation needs to happen. Since you're uncertain about how it's going to evolve, you're reluctant to initiate it. You're anticipating it going in a way that doesn't work. But that's an assumption you're basing on the info you've got. And there's more on its way... which will change how you feel. Get ready for insights that alter everything. To open to them, just trust. Then, start talking. You'll be delighted by what ensues.
Capricorn - Sat Jan 04, 2025:
Your Weekly Horoscope: The Sun in your sign is raising your popularity levels. While it's good to be in demand, you need to be careful. Everyone wants to feel wanted, and you don't want to turn anyone down. But neither do you want to set expectations you can't meet. Plus, if you're too obliging, you'll end up with no time/energy to focus on your New Year plans. This week, you'll find the courage to speak your truth and honour your priorities. Mercury's move into Capricorn enables you to skillfully navigate a way forwards that works for everyone.
With Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune all settling into their new homes, it's all change in the skies in 2025! To celebrate we are offering your Guide to the Future with 50% OFF plus a free chart and tarot readings.
Capricorn - Fri Jan 03, 2025:
We dream of a world where people are kinder to one another. Where care and consideration are valued. Where peaceful solutions to problematic situations are negotiated. Then... we carry on in the same old ways, criticising each other and becoming less tolerant of different views! Although you might not be able to change the world this weekend, with Venus changing signs, you have a choice. You can react in a different way. With a simple act of forgiveness, you'll affect a change that has a ripple-like effect. Very satisfying.
Capricorn - Thu Jan 02, 2025:
Why go to the trouble of arguing? Why kick up a fuss or put up a fight? Or rise to the bait or heed the call to action? If you want to close the curtains and hope that everything just sorts itself out by itself, there's nothing to stop you. Except, your moral/ethical values! You're a conscientious Capricorn! You believe (and know) that you can make a difference. So, move into action mode today. If you invest your energy into sorting out a problem, not only will you be extremely effective, your efforts will be recognised... and rewarded.
Your 'Guide to the Future' is packed with the optimism, wisdom and enlightenment you need to make 2025 truly a year to remember. Just for the New Year, we are offering your Guide to the Future with 50% OFF plus a free chart and tarot readings.
Capricorn - Wed Jan 01, 2025:
We've all heard the story about the person who was so concerned about protecting their assets that they invested in an expensive alarm system. It was so costly, that they had to buy another alarm to protect the first one. Hopefully, this is only an urban myth! But it highlights an issue you face at the start of 2025. It's time to stop worrying and trust. There's always something to be concerned about... a potential problem waiting for a chance to disrupt our lives. Yet the cosmic message is clear. It's safe to proceed with confidence.
Capricorn: - Tue Dec 31, 2024:
Sticking your head in the sand is one way to avoid dealing with difficult situations. But it's not an effective way. Ignorance doesn't lead to bliss. Quite the opposite. It's knowledge that brings power. As you prepare to enter 2025, you're in possession of lots of information. Some of it is difficult to hold. With power planet Mars in the process of reversing back into your opposite sign, it's an ideal time to redefine your ambitions for the future. Then, you'll find the energy to maximise your position, in an effective, positive way.
For the New Year only, your 'Guide to the Future' at 50% OFF! (plus a free chart and tarot readings.)
Capricorn - Mon Dec 30, 2024:
Some people enjoy arguing. No matter what someone says they'll always point out the opposite viewpoint. You're being advised to abandon an idea which means a lot to you; and the argument being presented sounds logical. But just because someone sees things in one way doesn't mean their way is right. Don't give up on your plan. The New Moon, in your sign, brings inspiration. Take it, and you'll move into 2025 with the courage to withstand the pressure to quit, and armed with the determination to get to your goal.