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Your Daily Horoscope, from Cainer Horoscopes

Zodiac Birth Charts

sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Sagittarius Horoscope

Tue, 7th January 2025
Cainer Horoscopes

Some people looking at your current situation might criticise or question your circumstances. But just because they'd do things differently doesn't mean that you've done anything wrong. You're a free-spirited Sagittarian. You don't conform to convention. And other folk's more orthodox ways of thinking don't correlate to yours. As Mars reverses through Cancer, it brings signs that affirm you're right to be on the path you've chosen. Don't be swayed by criticism. Focus on your passions and dreams. You'll see. Your 'Guide to the Future' is packed with the optimism, wisdom and enlightenment you need to make 2025 truly a year to remember. Just for the New Year, we are offering your Guide to the Future with 50% OFF plus a free chart and tarot readings.









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Sagittarius - Your Weekly Horoscope: Make yourself comfortable. Now, take a long, deep breath... and gently exhale. Relax. And clear your mind of all its stresses and strains. Excellent. Now, let's take a look back to your earliest memories. Sorry... that's not what you want to be doing today? Don't you think that probing back will help make the start of 2025 extra special? You're right! It's time to look forwards, not backwards. This week, don't let anyone's over-analysis of your plans affect your motivation levels. Your ideas are worth developing. Get cracking!

Sagittarius - Your January Monthly Horoscope: You're going to like 2025; and it's going to like you. Obviously, years don't have feelings... yet throughout January, you'll experience a growing sense of support. The cosmos is doing everything in its power to give you the sustenance and encouragement you need. With your ruler, Jupiter, moving retrograde through friendly Gemini, no matter what difficulties arise, you'll have help dealing with them. They're simply preparing you for the next exciting phase of your life and providing you with the tools you need to thrive. It's looking good.

Sagittarius - Yesterday's Forecast:
If you pedal as fast as you can for as long as possible, will you get to your destination? It depends! If you're at the gym doing a spin class, you're not going to move anywhere. But if your aim is to get stronger and fitter, you'll get closer to achieving your goal. And the harder you push yourself, the faster you'll progress along the road to success. When we expend lots of effort, even if we don't get the result we're aiming for, we gain something. You're about to see the fruits of your recent labours. Watch out for a welcome bonus. For the New Year only, your 'Guide to the Future' at 50% OFF! (plus a free chart and tarot readings.)

Sagittarius - Sun Jan 05, 2025:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Our ball of rock is populated by people who don't feel confident about expressing their feelings. Which means they hide their deepest emotions away - even, sometimes, from themselves. They say they 'don't care' when, deep inside, they care a lot. They may even manage to fake a mood, or project an attitude, in order to protect what's going on in their heart of hearts. The truth is that we all do this! This week, if you recognise someone else's vulnerability, you'll reveal yours. And a bond of connection will deepen.

Sagittarius - Sat Jan 04, 2025:
Your Weekly Horoscope: Make yourself comfortable. Now, take a long, deep breath... and gently exhale. Relax. And clear your mind of all its stresses and strains. Excellent. Now, let's take a look back to your earliest memories. Sorry... that's not what you want to be doing today? Don't you think that probing back will help make the start of 2025 extra special? You're right! It's time to look forwards, not backwards. This week, don't let anyone's over-analysis of your plans affect your motivation levels. Your ideas are worth developing. Get cracking! With Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune all settling into their new homes, it's all change in the skies in 2025! To celebrate we are offering your Guide to the Future with 50% OFF plus a free chart and tarot readings.

Sagittarius - Fri Jan 03, 2025:
Close your eyes for a moment and picture yourself on a golden, sandy beach. The sun is glistening through the trees. Your hammock is gently swinging in the shade as you sip a refreshing cocktail. Perfect. Paradise. Although there's no guarantee you'll find yourself in your ideal situation (wherever that may be) this weekend, with Venus moving into a new sector of the sky, your intuitive powers are being honed. Trust your instincts and you'll be able to take action that gives your dreams a chance to come true.

Sagittarius - Thu Jan 02, 2025:
Every single human is unique. It's not that we're better or worse than each other; it's that we're all different. Luckily, Sagittarians don't play games of one-upmanship. Your good-natured generosity enables you to appreciate the things that make people special. You understand that a unique combination of qualities defines everyone. Today brings a reminder of why you can be proud of who you are, who you've been, and who you're going to be. Life, as you move into 2025, brings proof of why being yourself is so valuable. Your 'Guide to the Future' is packed with the optimism, wisdom and enlightenment you need to make 2025 truly a year to remember. Just for the New Year, we are offering your Guide to the Future with 50% OFF plus a free chart and tarot readings.

Sagittarius - Wed Jan 01, 2025:
We like people who hold strong opinions; at least we're clear about their views. But, a bit like chocolate, although we might be tempted to form strong opinions of our own, they're no good for our health. They weigh us down, affect our ability to listen to other viewpoints, and make us unattractive to people who disagree with us. As you enter 2025, you're right to be confident about your hopes. But stay open-minded. There are lots of options you haven't yet discovered. And you need to be flexible in order to take advantage of them.

Sagittarius: - Tue Dec 31, 2024:
We'd all like to know exactly what we're doing here on planet Earth, and why we're doing it. If you had that info, you'd use it to push boundaries and replace old traditions with more exciting ones. In the approach to the New Year, you're questioning some of the rules you're bound by. Some of them need/deserve to be adhered to. But there are others that need/deserve to be questioned. Fortune favours the bold. Push your luck today. And your arrival into 2025 will give you reasons to smile. Adventures await! For the New Year only, your 'Guide to the Future' at 50% OFF! (plus a free chart and tarot readings.)

Sagittarius - Mon Dec 30, 2024:
You're waiting for someone to say or do something. Or... if they can't manage to do either of those things, you're waiting for them to give you the space to say what you want to do. And waiting is frustrating. So... stop! There's only one person who can give you the permission you need. And that's the person reading this. Sometimes when it comes to our nearest and dearest, we inadvertently give our power away. As you get ready for 2025, you need to think about assuming your power. Then, you can sort out an unnecessary imbalance.

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